Carbony™ Flutes
Our Full Body Irish Flute features our Carbony™ tuning slide. Geometrically this slide matches its metal counterpart to minimize turbulent airflow for greater power, but keeps the resonance passage pure fiber for the warmest slide in the world. This three piece instrument also features: Seven stage body taper and fraise under-cut tone holes; O-rings for a secure airtight seal for the body; and 7 degree dovetail embouchure angle. Currently in stock in the key of D, C and Bb.
We also now offer a Traditional Irish Flute in D with silver flute finger spacing for people with small hands and/or Boehm-system flute players. This is accomplished with angled thin-walled carbon tube tone hole chimney extenders (patent pending).

Also available is our two piece design with a thinner diameter body to accommodate smaller hands. These Irish Flutes feature a cylindrical outer shape with a true conical bore providing proper finger spacing. Carbony™ headjoint with dovetail embouchure hole and engraved stainless steel trim. Available in high D, high C, high Bb, A, G, F, E and Eb, and now available in D with angled insterts. The following video is Sean Gavin on the F version of this instrument.
Small Flutes
Rounding out our Irish style flutes are the Carbony™ tunable small flutes with stainless steel trim. Each one features an oval embouchure and faise cut tone holes. Available in Bb, C and high D.